Leftover Quinoa Salad

Oh we love simplicity, and we love leftovers, so we got these two married in a happily marriage. Boiled yourself a little too much quinoa, because who counts? This salad has your back.


  • 100gr boiled quinoa
  • 1 medium roasted sweet potato or any other roasted vegetable you might have
  • some fresh arugula
  • some pickled onions
  • 30gr feta cheese/vegan white cheese
  • 1 lemon
  • 20gr Vendema High Phenolic EVOO
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Do the magic:

Just assemble your bowl of magic adding all your ingredients in and sprinkle them with lemon juice, lemon zest and of course your Vendema High Phenolic EVOO for extra nutrients, good fat and strong flavour.




in love