Aglio Olio With A Twist

Ingredients: (serves 2)

  • 500gr of your fav pasta
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 peperoncino or TB of chilly flakes
  • TS of Vendema Kalamon Olive Paste
  • 60gr of Vendema EVOO

Do the magic:

  • Boil your al dente pasta, and keep a cup of the boiling magic water.
  • Finely chop your peperoncino.
  • Smash your garlic and chop it also finely.
  • In a frying pan, throw your Vendema EVOO on medium heat, and crisp your peperoncino/chilly flakes and garlic, until soft and golden.
  • Throw in your pasta, and mix.
  • Add a bit of the pasta water, and keep mixing until smooth and creamy.
  • Finish up with your TS of Vendema Kalamon Olive Paste, to give it the extra push.



This is a fave!